Sunday, September 21, 2008

The Art of War

Three strategic principles:
1. Commitment
2. Observation
3. Preparation

Six tactical principles:
1. Assessment
2. Adaptation
3. Leverage
4. Deception
5. Timing
6. Pace

Three perspectives:
1. the individual
2. the individual's working group
3. the competition

Sun Tzu's principles:
1. Learn to fight
2. Show the way
3. Do it right
4. Know the facts
5. Expect the worst
6. Seize the day
7. Burn the bridges
8. Do it better
9. Pull together
10. Keep them guessing

A Slap in the (New) Facebook

I guess there's been enough heat generated from the launch of the new facebook last week that I don't really have to add insult to injury. But since I have nothing to do these days, I will rub a pinch of salt into the wound.

Admittedly, since my last retreat from facebook a couple months ago, I've been slowly increasing my activity in that space - but only adding useful tools and gadgets to market my private project. And I've been using the new chat feature a bit - which is not a bad idea if it could just be more stable. But my main issues with the new facebook all relate to its usability.

The 'new' user interface is absolutely a nuisance. It's like it has been redesigned by some 'new' facebook employee. I couldn't believe it took me a few days to figure out how to add my Photos application back. There's no means to add applications as a new tab. There is no difference clicking on Facebook and Home, or Profile and your name. What is Boxes? Why force me to put everything else into the same tab? And why restrict the width of the application in the Boxes tab? The little pencil icon on the tab suggests a settings feature, but it merely allow you to delete the tab. So why not just change it to an X? And when you think the Settings menu item will let you setup your applications, z#$%?&*! Why the +bookmark feature only allows one bookmark to be added?

The new facebook is frustratingly clumsy and counter-intuitive. It's very unstable and full of bugs. It's stupid and assumes its users are stupid too. It's an insult to end-users. It should change its color to red coz its been slapped many times over, at least by me.

Monday, September 1, 2008

End of Summer 2008

Seven BBQs this summer is enough I guess, especially when the last four were held one after another in the last four weekends.

It's a lot of fun to have the company of family and friends, to eat, drink, catch up, to talk about current affairs and memories, and to play games.

Thanks to all who have made my summer a memorable one this year. Our new place has certainly made it easier for us to stay in touch with those we love.

Also thanks to the sunny weather. It's probably too much to ask, but stay with us for as long as you can.

Summer is over. Backyard is closed for the season.