Friday, July 25, 2008

Goodbye to Facebook

After 2 years of facebooking, I finally decided to put an end to it.

I've enjoyed the little applications, games, staying in touch with 'friends', browsing other's photos and mini-feeds.. I think it's just time to stop and do something more valuable, especially when over half of the people you know are there but not really there... it's a disappointing feeling. It's a virtual world afterall.

Almost all social networking tools or applications I tried ended up like this. I remembered 10 years ago there's a cybercity thing where people logon to play MJ, poker and other games.. you can walk around the hall to meet/chat with other players.. Then there came the ICQ legacy.. I joined pretty early too.. got a few dozen of friends added.. spent a fair share of time chatting and just killing time over the net. At that time, ICQ has frequent updates and we kind of stayed fairly updated with that. Then came MSN... same old stuff.. had video chat.. even sound later on.

Now facebook is just another hype that one must spend some time on. 2 years is enough for it. I don't seem to stay socialize as I hope. I guess facebook or any other tools certainly provided the platform or the means, but at the end, it's really up to the users to play their part.

So long facebook friends. The online me will continue in my blogs if you care to keep contact.


Anonymous said...

Hey Des, long time. In many ways, I feel sorry that you are quitting facbook. I guess am also one of those guilty party who didn't make the most out of it to stay in touch. But to me, it's much better than without it. Anyways, let's stay in touch and nice personal blog. Best wishes. Pls. send our regards to teresa. Cheers,

dude said...

Hey man, thanks for revealing my identity here...8) hope you find my blogs entertaining, keep those comments coming!