Saturday, October 11, 2008

Library Book Sale

Kenneth told me a while back that he bought books from library book sale at very low prices - 25cents to $1. I was really amazed and was very eager to go to one some day.

After a few months, I finally went to one organized by RPL at the Thompson Community center on Oct 4th & 5th. The sale started at 9am, by the time wife and I arrived few minutes before 9:30am the parking lot was almost full and needless to say, the venue was packed.

Tons of books were placed on some 40-50 tables arranged along the interior walls and as two aisles in the middle of the room. Categorized into Business, Computers, Self-help, Hobbies, Chinese, Other Foreign Language, Fictions and Classic literature -- the books were mostly in good-to-great conditions. Prices range from $3 a bag for old fictions to $1 per hardcover fictions to $4 for rarer books.

We went separate ways as we entered the room - wife is interested in children books for school work, and me the business, self-improvement, and general interest sections. I scanned every single book in sight, catching words of interest - success, business, strategy, and other positive words - and bestseller titles. I also scanned the fictions, but thought I can't buy them all anyway, so I've got to buy books that I wish to keep. Fictions are those that you would put aside once you finish, so the investment value is very little - I'd rather read them in libraries.

We spent more than an hour 'shopping' there and came out with 25+ books for $30 between us. It's a very good deal. I'll definitely go again next time.

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